Poster for Medea with production dates and times


Written by Euripides

Translated by Robin Robertson

Directed by Jeff Grace

Originally produced in 431 BC at the Greek festival of City Dionysia, Medea is a revenge tragedy about love, passion, honor, status, and broken expectations. The play presents Medea, a devotee of the goddess Hecate and one of the great sorceresses of the ancient world, as she plots a grotesque and hideous revenge when her husband, Jason, the Greek hero of the Argonauts, abandons her and her children for a new wife. In this masterly written drama of injured love, themes of sensitivity and suffering culminate in a bloody deed of vengeance. Performed in a new translation by Robin Robertson that explores the beauty of the Athenian language while remaining accessible to a modern audience, the production presents an original and visually stunning take on a well-known tragedy.

November 3 – 6, 2010

7:30 pm

Harbach Theatre